Power Spot Pranic Healing Wand - 160
Power Spot Pranic Healing Wand - 165
Power Spot Pranic Healing Wand - 166
Power Spot Pranic Healing Wand - 168
Power Spot Pranic Healing Wand - 169
Power Spot Pranic Healing Wand - 170
Power Spot Pranic Healing Wand - 171
Power Spot Pranic Healing Wand- 061
Power Spot Pranic Healing Wand- 064
Power Spot Pranic Healing Wand- 084
Power Spot Pranic Healing Wand- 091
Power Spot Pranic Healing Wand- 094
Power Spot Pranic Healing Wand- 095
Power Spot Pranic Healing Wand- 096
Power Spot Pranic Healing Wand- 098
Power Spot Pranic Healing Wand- 101
Power Spot Pranic Healing Wand- 103
Power Spot Pranic Healing Wand- 105
Power Spot Pranic Healing Wand- 108
Power Spot Pranic Healing Wand- 116
Power Spot Pranic Healing Wand- 126
Power Spot Pranic Healing Wand- 127
Prehnite, Polished Slab - 002
Prehnite, Polished Slab - 012
Prehnite, Polished Slab - 013
Prehnite, Polished Slab - 021
Prehnite, Polished Slab - 030
Prehnite, Polished Slab - 033
Preseli Bluestone Sphere
Pure Quartz Test Tube
Purification and Higher Vibration Sacred Smoke Kit
Pyrite, Crystalline
Quartz Crystal Points, Arkansas, 75 grams (extra small)
Quartz Crystal Points, Arkansas, Kit of 2
Quartz Crystal Points, Arkansas, Kit of 3
Quartz Crystal Points, Kit of 18 or 36
Quartz Orb, kit of 12 or 36
Quartz Orb, kit of 18
Quartz Points from Water Cave, Pair
Quartz Scepter Crystals, Kit of 8
Rainbow Moonstone Crystal Point Pair
Rainbow Moonstone Polished Point Pair
Rainbow Obsidian Cabochon - 025
Rainbow Obsidian Cabochon - 027
Rainbow Obsidian Talisman - 079
Rainbow Obsidian Talisman - 103
Azurite Blueberry - 091
Azurite Blueberry - 089
Azurite Blueberry - 088
Azurite Blueberry - 087