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Sunstone Crystal Point Pair
Description: This listing is for a point pair of Oregon Sunstone Crystals, Grade A or Grade B.
Weight: Approx. 3.5g - 6g per pair
Both variations are Grade A Sunstone crystals from Plush Oregon. They are two grades below AAA, the highest grade, because these crystals do not contain the rare red centers. They are a beautiful champagne color. While Grade A are slightly more transparent than Grade B, both are still the highest grade possible without red centers.
Sunstone carries one of the highest spiritual energies of any stone in the mineral kingdom. Throughout human history it has been revered among many cultures as a storehouse of Divine Light and Divine Love. Divine Love is unconditional. There is no judgment whatsoever within it. There is only mercy, grace and forgiveness. Imagine being unconditionally loved. Imagine the greatest block on the spiritual path, self-judgment, being gently melted away by an infinitely loving warm light. Humanity has far to go in our journey with unconditional love. Sunstone patiently guides us on that journey, entraining us to its consciousness, transmuting the programs of self-judgment, and shining the Light on the path home to Love.
Policies and Disclaimers:
All of our stones and crystals are pure and natural. They are free from synthetic treatments of any kind, including dyes, stabilizers, and synthetic heat treatments to enhance color.
We can not take requests for individual stones seen in the pictures.
Stones may be photographed under magnification to show detail. Please
see size/weight information and measurement photos for accurate size reference.
International customers are responsible for any customs fees/import taxes.
Please see our Lost Package Policy prior to placing your order.
Please contact us at CrystalShop@UpperClarity.