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Sunstone Moonstone Palm Pair
Description: This listing is for a pair of Sunstone Moonstone Palm Stones: Small or Large.
Weight: Smaller: approx. 100g - 120g per pair
Larger: approx. 139g - 160g per pair
This rare gem-quality feldspar houses the tantric union of Sunstone and Moonstone together as one. Reflective of a true marriage made in Heaven, the beauty of these polished orbs is breathtaking. As you turn the stone in the light, blue and red flashes peek out from silky ivory landscapes. It’s a kaleidoscope of communication from the Earth.
In the meridian system, there is an acupuncture point called “Sun and Moon.” The energy there lifts the soul to greater perspectives. We begin to see the field beyond right and wrong, beyond good and bad, and we begin to touch non-duality. To allow and embrace polarity, in itself, is an evolution to higher consciousness. Sunstone Moonstone offers you this connection with the Dao.
To us, the Earth’s gift of Sunstone Moonstone is a message that the intensity of polarities here will be the very forces that catalyze the birth of the new Unified New Earth. It is truly a harbinger of collective awakening.
In healing and alter craft, work with Sunstone Moonstone to free yourself from right and wrong thinking, and to elevate consciousness to the higher perspectives in the field of Unity.
This new feldspar from Tanzania also strengthens or restores your direct sovereign connection to Source or the Oneness. This direct cord from your heart to the Heart of All, is the seed from which the rainbow crystalline grid around your body and soul sprouts from.
Sunstone Moonstone also offers the mercy, forgiveness and unconditional love of Sunstone (Masculine) merged with the Holy walk of listening, intuition, and surrender to the flow of life given by Moonstone (Feminine). These are pure high-vibrational stones with no limitations. The field of all possibilities awaits you.
EXTRAORDINARY flash and the highest quality we have ever seen. These luminous and otherworldly palm pairs can be held in both hands for balanced activation of meditations or treatments.
While there is variation in size with each category, the small palm stones are approximately 1.5 x 1.5-2 inches and the larger palm stones are approximately 2 inches by 2-2.5 inches in diameter.
Policies and Disclaimers:
All of our stones and crystals are pure and natural. They are free from synthetic treatments of any kind, including dyes, stabilizers, and synthetic heat treatments to enhance color.
Stones may be photographed under magnification to show detail. Please
see size/weight information and measurement photos for accurate size reference.
International customers are responsible for any customs fees/import taxes.
Please see our Lost Package Policy prior to placing your order.
Please contact us at CrystalShop@UpperClarity.